Nikole, Chris, and Carly
The food is quite amazing. It is unique, Peruvian fine dining that is delicious, filling, healthy, and just overall awesome. They make a great Pisco Sour. The atmosphere during dinner is so wonderful, I can’t describe it. Dim lights in the Amazon jungle as you enjoy fine dining and likely someone playing guitar and singing. It’s just awesome.
The excursions, however, are what make this place the BEST. We saw dolphins, monkeys, caimans (little alligators), lots of beautiful yet deadly bugs, plants, and flowers, and more. We got to fish for Pirhanas and then our guide fried them up for us to eat. How many times can you say you have done that in your life? That is what I mean by once in a lifetime!
Our guide, Carlos, took us everywhere and made sure all of our hopes and dreams for the Amazon were met. He and the boat driver Juan made an amazing team. Carlos speaks perfect English so if you are coming from the US, I highly recommend ASKING FOR HIM BY NAME. Seriously, it will make your trip as 100% amazing as it can be and nothing less. He makes sure you are safe and happy the whole time so you can really feel comfortable being somewhere that you are really, totally out of place.
Seriously, just go here. Ask for Carlos as your guide. You won’t be disappointed by ANYTHING!!!