Adriana and Eldin


Eldin and Adriana

We were here from September 27 through September 30, 2015. We absolutely enjoyed our stay here! It was definitely a one of a kind experience. The staff here at Treehouse is so friendly and are always eager to help. They never stop making sure that we are doing well, that we are comfortable, and that we are enjoying our time here. We really appreciate their attentiveness.

The food was always so delicious! And the food presentation was always stunning. We really loved our guide, Rony. He is so knowledgeable about everything in the jungle, from different kinds of plants and trees to different types of animals and insects. And our second guide, Dennis, was very helpful.

We learned so much during our time here. From all the excursions, our favorite was the piranha fishing (and getting to eat it afterward!)

We’re glad we go to do every activity we wanted to do and we enjoyed every single one very much!

Muchas gracias a todo el staff aqui en treehouse. Que gracias a todos, tuvimos una estancia muy unica y agradable aqui.

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