We just finished fishing for piranhas and catfish 9 miles up the Yarapa River from the Treehouse Lodge. The expedition was successful and piranha is on the menu tonight! That is, for those brave enough to give it a taste.
I have an hour until our next adventure: a walk through dense rainforest to discover medicinal plants in the wild. I’m swinging from a hammock on the second floor of the main lodge. Above me, a fan keeps the temperature down just enough for a relaxing snooze. The sounds of the jungle lull me to sleep.
Tonight, after I wake up, and after a delicious meal, I’ll make the walk from Treehouse’s Main Lodge, out to the back corner of the property to spend the night 65 feet above the jungle floor.
As I climb the 94 steps up to Treehouse 8, I start to notice a change in scenery. The jungle starts to open up as I get closer to the canopy. If you’re lucky, like me, you’ll see a sloth in the wild, albeit climbing at a significantly slower pace.
At the top of the winding steps, I enter Treehouse 8 – my home for the next few days. Unlike the treehouses of my youth, this one features all kinds of amenities I wouldn’t expect 3-hours into the Peruvian rainforest. The beds are immaculate and armed with welcome chocolates. A full bathroom, including sink, toilet, and shower is tucked into the back corner. The actual tree, which is massive, juts through the center of the room and serves as an armrest as I’m taking off my boots. An additional branch passes through the bathroom serving as the perfect spot to hang my towel.
There’s even a breeze. The ceiling fan, which is solar-powered, created the perfect environment to get a good night’s rest and wake up for another day of adventure.
I’ve been to the Amazon a handful of times; it is one of my favorite places on earth. The biodiversity, the scenery, and the adventure are always remarkable. That said, nothing can match the excitement of staying up in a treehouse.
The jungle is full of beauty, and thanks to the Treehouse Lodge we can now admire it from every angle.
Happy Travels…